
Showing posts from December, 2017

Making a Fuss

How ya getting on? Been a while since I last posted but I wanted to take my time and put some actual thought into it. Plus I've been super busy so get off my back geez. So with my last post all about keeping balance and working hard to do so, I thought the next step would be "making a fuss" as I like to call it. Because keeping balance (or attempting to) is all well and good, but if you're unable to or not prepared to tell people when you're unhappy then it's no use. For some reason (my old history teacher would probably blame the Famine), Irish people are forever obsessed with making a fuss (or not, to be more accurate). Don't worry people. Everyone has enough on their plate to be worrying about you. Is it worth troubling others? Why the hell do we chalk down our feelings to being over dramatic, over sensitive or being minus craic. Why? *existential crisis Well like many fellow leprechauns I've struggled a lot with these thoughts, with even just